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Choose Your Plan

  • Yearly Membership 1-Child

    Every month
    Enjoy the perks of a yearly membership.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Yearly Membership
  • Yearly Membership- 2 Children

    Every month
    Enjoy the perks of a yearly membership. This is for 2 siblings.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Yearly Membership
  • Yearly Membership Family

    Every month
    Enjoy the perks of a yearly membership. This is for households who have 3 or more siblings.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Yearly Membership
  • M2M 1 Child

    Every month
    Unlimited Play sessions per month
    • Month to Month Membership
  • M2M 2 Siblings

    Every month
    Enjoy unlimited play sessions for 2 siblings.
    • Month to Month Membership
  • M2M Family

    Every month
    Enjoy unlimited play sessions for 3+ Siblings in the same household.
    • Month to Month Membership
  • 10 Pack

    $100 Base + $8.00 Tax = $108.00
    Valid for one year
    • 10 Pack

Membership Information

Memberships are a perfect option if you plan on visiting more than three times a month!

We offer 2 different types of memberships, Yealy or Month 2 Month.

Yearly Memberships

Yearly Memberships are discounted monthly payments spread across 12 consecutive months.

  • Added Perks for Yearly Members

    • 10% Off Party Bookings​

    • Early Sign up for Special Events

    • Member Only Events

    • Discounts on some special events and classes

    • 1 Bring a friend pass each month.


***Please Note When choosing Yearly packages, you are agreeing to the total amount owed which is Monthly Fee x 12 Months + Tax, this package cannot be cancelled before the 12 monthly payments have been made**

Month 2 Month Memberships

Month to Month memberships give you unlimited Play Sessions per month with the option to cancel at any time.  This membership will automatically renew each month unless to cancel 7 days prior to the renewal date.

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